Saturday, November 08, 2008

Walking in Stations Videos - EVE Fanfest 2008

I've got 8 short videos for you this morning; 6 are about Walking in Station (WiS) and the last 2 are a demonstration of a lighting technology developed by Geomerics (Cambridge UK) used by CCP in their station environment.

Walking Stations (Ambulation) Videos:

The Geomerics Demonstration Videos:

I'm now off to breakfast before heading to the Fanfest for a session on the History of EVE. After that, I'll have a bit of time to write some more before Hilmar's "World Domination" keynote. This one promises to be interesting!


Carole Pivarnik said...

Wow. Ambulation will not disappoint, based on this little glimpse! Thanks tons, CK!!! What was the buzz at FanFest about it?

CrazyKinux said...

I's a pleasure to share all this with you guys. I just wish a few more of you were here so that we could share the excitement together!

As for the overall mood about it here, I'd say that since a lot of the folks who are here are the heavily PvP-oriented, a lot of them were lukewarm in their reception. They "were" impressed, but since it's not their focus, they may not be able to appreciate it as much as roleplayers, carebears or new players might be.

Toby Shenandoah said...

This presentation is great. Ambulation will probably bring many more new people to the game who are otherwise turned off by the idea of your avatar being a ship. Looking very forward to this.

Anonymous said...

I loved how the character given as the example in the walking in station ambulation was rendered such that it simulated some sort of Tom Hanks in a Nazi suit <3

Great stuff.

Anonymous said...


I think that is enough. Just Wow!

Anonymous said...

I wonder when people from Iceland learn proper English.


CrazyKinux said...

It's funny that you should make that remark, when you're missing a word in your sentence yourself (I wonder when people from Iceland **WILL** learn proper English.)


Anonymous said...

Wow all I can say is the same. Wow! I'm heavily into the ambulation, cause I also play on Second Life, but to put it mildly, wow, this even puts it to shame at times, so the people at Eve are definantly winning my vote in this neck of the area :). I can't wait for it to finally come out, but sadly we know we have to :).

Right now though I'm amazed with the Quantum Rise that is coming out and can't wait for Eve to finally be back up online :).

You done and awesome job CK :). Thanks for sharing :).

CrazyKinux said...

Thanks mate. Glad to keep you guys all in the loop.

Stephen Grey said...

I'm sure once they get this up and rolling, hand to hand combat will be soon to follow. It only stands to reason, since they have to make that for Vampire anyway...

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