Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Do you have what it takes to be the next Tony Gonzales?

If you believe there's a Tony Gonzales hiding somewhere in you, waiting to come out and write some brilliant novellas such as Ruthless and Theodicy or even a novel (Empyrean Age), then this is your chance!

Silver Night is currently running the first annual fiction contest, and the prizes are pretty interesting. Hell I might even give it a try myself, if I wasn't busy running this blog! Have a look:
1st Prize: Winner's choice of any one of the following faction battleships, with a 300m fitting stipend. Choices are: Bhaalgorn, Vindicator, Rattlesnake, Machariel, Nightmare, Raven Navy Issue, Tempest Fleet Issue, Apocalypse Navy Issue, Megathron Navy Issue, Dominix Navy Issue, Typhoon Fleet Issue, Armageddon Navy Issue, or Scorpion Navy Issue.

2nd Prize: Choice of any one of the Navy Issue or Fleet Issue battleships listed above. There will be 2 second prize winners.

3rd Prize: Choice of Empire Faction Cruisers from the following list: Caracal Navy Issue, Omen Navy Issue, Vexor Navy Issue, or Stabber Navy Issue. There will be 4 3rd place winners.

So if you ever wanted to write some fiction set in New Eden, than this might just be the carrot that gets you going!

1 comment:

Silver Night said...

Thanks for the mention, CK!

I do want to point out that, while I do encourage people to write novels about Eve, for the contest in particular there is a 3000 word limit. I have to read all these entries, after all. Good luck to everyone who enters! And have fun!

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