Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Have you seen Treenara's new look?

On the left the old Treenara - On the right the new Treenara

I've been playing the same character, Treenara Mazouk, since October of 2004. What you might not know this, but Tree (that's what my corp mates call her) was not my first character. My first character saw the day in August of 2004, her name was Saoundra Meezo, she was Amarr. I've always had a preference for the Amarr, both in their dramatic character looks and in their ship designs. But shortly after starting off in New Eden, some buddies of mine created Gallente characters. Since I wanted to play with them and did not want to travel all the way to Gallente space, I simply "rolled" a new character, and Treenara was born.

Fast forward 6 years and though my friends no longer roam New Eden, Treenara is still my faithful companion and will shortly hit the 60 million skill points! Suffice to say her "looks" have become something very familiar to me. And so earlier this week, I decided to give her a little makeover and took advantage of CCP's Character Portrait Swapping. After creating a new character of the same gender, race and bloodline, I proceeded to do the swap for a mere $10 fee.

Though I was all excited about the change, even after a few days, the old portraits still have yet to change. And I know all about deleting the portrait folder and all that. The forum avatar still shows the old portrait, and even the API feed used by EVEMon still has the old Treenara.

I'm hoping that I won't have to wait much longer for the switch to occur. I just don't see myself waiting until Incarna for Treenara's look to get refreshed! Where are those Icelandic Trolls when you need them! Where's my $10 value?


Michael Tice said...

you can manually fix EVEMon by copying the portrait from the EVE portrait cache to the EVEMon portrait cache and renaming it to the same file name as the old one. As long as you have a pic named properly in there, it should never get update.

I am coming up on 3 weeks since I changed the portrait on my main character, and the API and forums are STILL not updated.

Thorvik said...

Took a good 2 - 3 months when I changed Thorvik's Avatar image before it seeded in the forums and even in the login screen. I even went as far as petitioning it wondering if they maybe forgot....

Instant communication =/= instant gratification

CrazyKinux said...

2 to 3 months!! Wow, and I thought I was pushing it when I mention it would only update when Incarna rolled out. Guess I shoulda kept my mouth shut! :(

Arrhidaeus said...

If you want a good laugh go to this forum thread:
and keep hitting the refresh button. The portraits of those posting keep going back and forth from their new to their original, and several of them paid for their change over a month ago.

Granted, I can laugh because I didn't pay to have my portrait switched, but I can see how frustrating it would be to those involved.

Eelis Kiy said...

she does look a bit cross eyed in the original so i'd say it was money well spent ;)

CrazyKinux said...

@Eelis - Cross eyed!! WTF?? :p

Benoit CozmikR5 Gauthier said...

Sorry to say this but I prefer the original look.

Anonymous said...

Looks very nice :) I'm thinking of doing the same thing with my avatar actually. He looks OK now but I think I can use the portrait system to make him look even better now :)

Myrhial Arkenath said...

Love the new looks! Did a portrait swap myself when I went from carebear to pirate, didn't have any updating problems though. Hope it fixes itself soon.

CrazyKinux said...

Just checked again this morning and I still have the old portraits! :(

Xeross said...

I like them both, money well spent if you ask me.

I really need to change mine, IMO he looks like some gay baldy :/

Xeross said...

The new one has a more pronounced feel to it, the old one is more of a blank emotionless stare.

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