Friday, February 17, 2006

Gaming: The Escapist - Issue #32 Friday Extra

With this being the Friday following Valentine's Day, the folks over at the Escapist continue the 'Love' theme. Read on!

My Gamer Lady
by Bruce Nielson
"I would find some unsuspecting girl and convince her I was not a nerd, until she married me. Then, I would slowly but surely corrupt her until she, too, found computer games fun." Bruce Nielson details the evolution, and results, of his master plan.

Infinite Princesses
by Kyle Orland
Sometimes the most meaningful 'multiplayer' happens with single-player games. Kyle Orland relates how a re-release of a classic title made him realize how much the original helped him connect with others.

In case you've missed Tuesday's issue here's the link to my post about it.

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