Friday, July 11, 2008

EVE Online working on an iPhone 3G...

... is probably the only thing that would get me to buy the latest Apple iPhone. Then again, I'd have a hell of a time convincing my better-half that I have to pay more than $4,500 over the next 3 years for it.

I really wanted to get one, and since I'm currently without a mobile handset (having returned my Blackberry to my previous employer), the new iPhone's release was perfect timing. Or so I thought. Once I had checked the pricing offered by Rogers Communications - the only Canadian telco to offer the iPhone - my enthusiasm went out the door.

The Canadian wireless market is a joke when it comes to rates and service offered. Operator have higher service rates for less services than anywhere else in the industrial world. It's pathetic.

So no iPhone for me then. I'll just have to stick with my iPod Touch I guess.


Lachesis said...

Any details on the implementation of this??? That seems kind of crazy, in a very cool way.

Lachesis said...

Okay, I'm just entirely too sleep deprived. Misread. Disregard. Etc, etc, etc.

/me walks away sheepishly

Spectre said...

Bah... why did you mislead me so CK??? I am probably going to pick up an iPhone soon and I got all excited that this actually existed :(

Doug Alcorn said...

Woah! You almost had me there for a sec. Too bad about your crazy canada pricing. I thought that Rogers had announced updates that weren't as insane.

Anonymous said...

LOL that would be sweet. If it's real, i'm sure it's easier to get one overseas and send it to Kinux land.

Anonymous said...



Bri said...

damn, i almost got convinced to buy an iphone.

CrazyKinux said...

I wasn't trying to piss anyone when I wrote that piece. On the contrary, I was pissed myself.

And now, with the catastrophic activation issues that iPhone users are going through, it certainly isn't the right time to get one.

Hopefully the data pricing for the iPhone plans will come down closer to something reasonable.

We'll just have to see.

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