After almost 4 years of (on and off) training, I'll be passing the 44 million skill points mark in a couple of days. I've been wanting to share my skill make-up with you for a few weeks now, ever since I crossed the 40M mark. With The Ancient Gaming Noob sharing his main character's profile with us a few weeks back, I thought I'd do the same today.
I'm also curious to get your feedback, both form the fellow Carebears and from the PvPers out there.
The skill points distributional is as follows:
- Corporation Management................................ 15,072
- Drones............................................................. 6,479,812
- Electronics...................................................... 1,224,423
- Engineering.................................................... 991,518
- Gunnery......................................................... 11,213,690
- Industry......................................................... 1,844,243
- Learning......................................................... 2,289,229
- Mechanic........................................................ 1,025,188
- Missile Launcher Operation.............................. 2,482,594
- Navigation....................................................... 2,276,549
- Science........................................................... 1,304,750
- Social.............................................................. 1,387,594
- Spaceship Command......................................... 7,526,271
- Trade............................................................... 3,840,000
In all, I have 119 skills, 63 of which are trained to level 5. I'm currently training Negotiation to level 5 also, which should be done in just over 5 days (EVEMon tells me it'll be done on the 23rd). Using both EVEMon and the PPL Skill Qualification templates, I've got a short list of skills to train in the next few weeks. Getting ever closer to the 50 million mark.
So, how have you trained your character(s)? Do you use EVEMon? Or do you simply training what you need, to be able to fly the ships and use the modules you want? What's your plan?
What are 'PPL Skill Qualification templates'?
I don't have nearly as many skill points as I should have, going by my join date. I've been playing since 2005 but only have 12mil SP. I guess I have myself to blame though for only realising the importance of always having a skill training about a year ago.
My main has 75 skills and 7.1M skill points, with the major focus points being Trade with 2.2M, Spaceship Command with 1.4M and Learning with 1.7M. I've used EvEMon right from the start, but I didn't opt for the 40-day Learning plan right from the start. As a consequence, I'm 2M SP behind other characters started at the same day, but I can fly freighters and transports, got minimal taxes and broker fees and about 60 days away from jump freighters. That Jump Freighter plan is the same one I did at day 1, but I've strayed a bit to fly transports. That straying paid off, literally. I bought my freighter with the money I made in lowsec hauling/trading.
Holy crap! How do you have 11+ mil skillpoints in gunnery!?! LOL
I'm about 200K points from 30 million: http://ineve.net/skills/character.php?charID=NzQzNTgwNjgy
And yeah, EveMON is the bomb. ;)
I am a 3.1 million skill point noob but even I have discovered the goodness of EVEMon. Rather than blitz the learning skills I entered a 3 month plan and let EVEMon tell me which learning skills make sense for me to learn. I have hit a point of diminishing returns at about 350k learning skill points (that's level 4 on all the rank 1 skills and level 3 on most of the rank 3's. I know that higher learning skills would pay off in the longer term but as this is my first and only character an I need some real skills to play the game. I reckon I am about 1 million skill points shy of being able to make a decent attempt at level 4 missions. When I get that far I will try and top up my learning skills again.
@Anonymous - Phoenix Labs members have access to a member only site, our Internal Network, where they can manage their asset, ask for new gear, ship, skill books and also manage their skill training. On this site are listed specific qualification which are made up of groups of skills and minimum levels in order to attain these qualifications (drone, battleship, science qualifications, etc).
@Godlesswanderer - We've all made that mistake at one point!
@Shalkis - As long as you've got a skill training, whatever goals you've set (fly this ship, build these things, etc) the path you take is the right one!
@Kirith - Crazy eh!
@mbp - I've actually done the same thing more or less. I trained a few skills to be able to fly ships and go pew pew in PvE, then came back and trained the Learning skills. Makes total sense to me!
Je viens de terminer Minmatar Cruiser V !
6 million de SP et j'en veux toujours plus :P
I don't know if PPL is anti-pie or even PvP oriented at all - from the little I read on the PPL website, the focus seems to be industry... your skill set does not seem very industrial, judging simply by the amount of SP in each skill tree.
You mention a desire for PvP... if you're comfortable with the NBSI lifestyle and don't mind a corporation that's not such an industry powerhouse (8th top production corp in 2006 is damned impressive for PPL!), then click my name and have a closer look at DFIAS.
We've been roaming Fountain and Syndicate all week, having fun and getting on peoples' nerves. ;)
If you're able to get what you're looking for right now with PPL and aren't looking to relocate, I understand - never hurts to try to get a solid EVE player, even if they might not be very experienced with PvP - that's what FCs are for, amirite?
Hey CK, I just cracked the 50m mark with my 2+ year-old Achura toon. It feels good! :)
I've used EVEMon extensively at home and at work. Great way to increase one's knowledge of the items and ships in-game, just by browsing the various tabs in the skill-planning section.
Instead of focusing my attention on mission running, I decided to distribute my skills a little. I started with science when I started the toon, since then I've gone the tech II frigate and cruiser and now Marauders. (Minnie and Caldari)
The key to EVE for me is diversion. My toon should be able to do anything, somewhat. If I get bored of running missions, I can pull out the covert ops frig and do some exploration. I can run manufacturing jobs while earning income through other means. All the while I've been earning RP which is useful if you want to run invention jobs or just sell off the cores for a healthy cash injection.
Anyway, keep at it. Looking forward to your 50m blog post :)
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