Wednesday, October 08, 2008

The EVE Blog Banter

I've been participating in Hawty McBloggy's Blog Banter for some time now, and have thoroughly enjoyed writing for it and reading other bloggers posts. To put it simply, the 'Blog Banter' concept involves a cozy community of enthusiastic gaming bloggers, a common topic, and a week to post articles pertaining to said topic.

I've been thinking of putting together something similar but on EVE Online - an EVE Blog Banter. Basically, this would involved any gaming blogger out there willing to write about EVE Online on a particular subject proposed by one of the EVE Blog Banter members. Let me repeat that: this is open to any gaming blogger, whether or not they are part of the Blog Pack, the Player Blogroll or not, if they're willing to write about EVE, they're in!

So once a month, I would choose a particular subject within the realm of EVE Online to discuss. Each participating member would write his article, publish it on a chosen date and time, and send me a link to it (with the post's title). I would put a list of the links together and would then email that back to each member, who would add the list at the bottom of their post. Once this is done, it's typical for each member to drop by, read and comment other members posts.

It's a fun way to engage discussions with people who share the same interest (EVE Online) and enjoy writing about it.

Sounds interesting?

If this is something that you'd think you'd enjoy doing, then please email me (crazykinux [@] to be part of this - have "EVE Blog Banter" in your subject line.

If I get enough of these in the next few days, I'd like our first EVE Blog Banter to be published by end of next week!

Fly safe!


Anonymous said...

Active discussion points? Cool idea. I had been taking discussion points from your speedlinking posts, but this sounds more engaging.

Carole Pivarnik said...

Count me in, sounds like fun. Email sent!

Anonymous said...

This is an excellent idea. I'm sure you'll get some intelligent discussions out of this.

Anonymous said...

I'm signing up for this, for better or for worse :)

Pegleg Punk said...

I'm in! Email sent.

CrazyKinux said...

Glad to see you're are jumping on board! At the time I write this column I believe there's about 15 of us!

That's amazing!

Anonymous said...

When can we expect to receive the topic, CK?

WTM said...

Yup, sounds a great idea... (sending an email).

WTM said...

Sounds great.... email sent.

Anonymous said...

Hawty reader? You wouldn't be a Halo fan as well as an Eve player, would you?

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, reminds me of something we used to in another galaxy, far, far away. We called it Multi-author stories. Basically someone would start a fictional piece, and we'd all add to it, within some preset guidelines.

So yeah, count me in.

PS. Mynxee, I am still waiting on the Hellcat panties I ordered.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great idea! Sign me up :)

CrazyKinux said...

@Serenity - I need you to email me! Don't have your address.

Karox Lominax said...

Damn missed thie earlier, I'll be happy to be included too, gives me something specific to discuss about and stops me worrying about finding a subject :)

CrazyKinux said...

You're in Karox. Expect an email with the first subject of our discussion by end of day tomorrow!

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