Anyways, since I spend a fair amount of time roaming the EVE Online forums while the rest of you are sleeping, I do come across quite a lot of forum signature, most of which are rather lame - yeah Urban, you know yours it butt ugly! But some folks like to give theirs a special touch and these stick out like roses in a field of dandelions.
And if you're looking for Pat Un of this series, head over here!

So which one's your favorite?
Those are all great. I was always a big fan of Havo's especially...
Havo's is definitely brilliant. I've commissioned a couple of my own so hopefully I'll be able to show those off in a couple of days.
Magala Solaris wins this one for me, love the Rokh!
Yeah and Havohej is the only one who's made both list!
I like Deviana's (and no, before anyone says its not just cos of the boobs, Mynxee wins that one ) I actually quite like the 'action movie' / 'comic book' style of the writing which is much better styalised for a display image than the rest which just appear to be a font splashed somewhere there's space (I know its all composed well, and i'm no graphic designer of course, so take everything I say with a pinch of salt)
I like Chaos Incarnate's, if for no other reason, the lolz!!!
i have to say, out of all those, my 2 favorites are Mangala's and i love the Faceless Logistics (i'm a sucker for funny things haha)
Is anyone making anything like this quality for isk? Man I really like most of these, and would be happy to pay a premium for someones time and creativity.
I paid for mine. It was done by Bid Up back in March. His forum thread was this one:
I don't know if he still is doing work but the couple of items he did for me were fantastic.
My two favorites' are Havo's signature followed by Niccolado's. Honorable meniton to Faceless Logistics signature- I chuckled!
For those of you interested, Havo provided an honorable mention to the artist responsible for his forum signature(s):
Better yet, a link to Nova's site:
Havo's looks great on the black background, with its irregular edges. That's probably my favorite, it'd be hard to rank the rest because they all have individual appeal. I'm honored mine was included...I knew that cleavage was going to come in handy.
Wow! This is quite an honor, but all credit for my sig goes to Nova Z - she's the designer responsible for the Perfect Storm sig as well as the Stiletto, Wolf and Tempest sigs under the same template =)
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