Monday, October 06, 2008

EVE Online Postcard for October 6th, 2008

When the new graphic engine was released during the Trinity patch, ships and stations got a major visual overhaul. Almost a year later, planets have yet to get their upgrades. You can't really tell from the screenshot above, but whenever you dock at a station that's close to a planet, the difference between station details and planets simply sticks out like a sore thumb.

I do know and agree that there are more important issues that needs CCP's attention, but I just can't wait when the whole EVE universe is running at Trinity 2.0 standards.


Anonymous said...

I agree, it's very noticeable in certain areas. Airaken for example, passed through there recently and there's a Lai Dai station next to a Moon and it looks terrible. Also, my one gripe is flying THROUGH planets when warping. Kills the immersion!

Anonymous said...

YoMma, my take on the "flying trough planets" things is that warping in EVE isn't actually FLT travel, it's using the 4th dimension, time. The Universe is expanding all the time, right? So what the Warp Drive does is create a tunnel between you and your destination and inverts time inside that tunnel, so that the distances are shortened. If you fly trough a planet you aren't so much flying trough it "here" as much as "then" and "then" the planet wasn't actually "there" it was some place else. And yes, before anyone asks, I do have to much free time :P

CrazyKinux said...

That's actually a decent explanation Fholcan! You've removed one of my biggest peeves in the game. Off to the 4th dimension I go then!!

Anonymous said...

Friend of mine, not an EVE player but interested in it, said the same thing. I was showing him the game and warped through a planet. He thought it made perfect sense.

Anonymous said...

Warping through a planet, moon, or station is obviously easy to explain but what about docking with a station a mile off the supposed "hanger entrance", but if you approch from the other side I don't dock until I can almost reach out the window and touch the station?

CrazyKinux said...

I've actually done that a few times, where I'll fly around the station until I find the hangar bay then fly to it, before asking for docking rights. =)

Anonymous said...

"Tanks" for the advice, I reiciently subscribed to "The Drone Bay" off I-Tunes and recall the statement that everything is a ball to EVE. LOL for the April Fools episode, but even the Devil would consider that prank evil, rejoice that you were not involved! Did Will Eisner actually kill Crovan? Don't let The Drone Bay die too!!!

CrazyKinux said...

Do not worry , oh you unknown admirer. The Drone Bay shall continue and Episode 16 will soon see the light of day!

Anonymous said...

Is that CCP soon or less than a month soon? Just kidding, I understand your crisis and am holding my breath for 16's victorious return.

...FYI, (for safty I do not disclose my name often) but, I am Amar and singing the praises of Crovan, CK, & Al!

You are the true GODS OF EVE!!

I believe I speak for the majority of the EVE community when I say that we are ALL rooting for The Drone Bay!!!

BTW nice pic, I love EVE for its visual effects, Thus; Amar are the Greatest!!!

Anonymous said...

Three cheers for The Drone Bay!
Hip hip, hurray!
Hip hip, hurray!
Hip hip, hurray!


Three Tech II Ogers for The Drone Bay!
Pew pew, Bandwidth!
Pew pew, Bandwidth!
Pew pew, Bandwidth!

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