It's been another crazy week in EVE news and activities. The EVE Blog Pack members were given some new guidelines to follow, and I must say, their response was amazing. I would not have expected anything less from them! Their hard word is starting to pay off and my EVE Spies tell me there are a few good surprises in the works for them! Stay tuned.
I'm also working on another secret EVE blogging project, one where pretty much any gaming blogger could participate in. Still have to iron out a few things, but you should see a post about it here soon. Hey, you can't stop me!
Now, for the news...
New Player Blogs:
- EVE-Sweden
- Baling Wire and Girders
- Spaceships by Numbers
- Ivy League & Eve University
- Badass in Space
- Wreck Count
- Our EVE
- EVE Online Pictures
- Pod Cast!
From CCP Games:
- First CSM term close to ending, warming up for the second one! - On the upcoming CSM re-elections. Who wants in, who wants out?
- StacklessIO or: How we reduced lag - CCP tackles the ugly LAG Monster!
- Such stuff as Dreams are made on - On the new and improved Petitions system.
- EVE64 - From 32bit to 64 CCP speeds up the EVE back-end!
- New editions, old additions - Zapatero releases the EON Alliance Survey results. About freakin' time!
- New Chronicle: All Tomorrow's Bodies
EVE Online in the News:
- Computer games can build skills - Oh, really?
- Fifty days and worlds apart - Another great debate on the politic of EVE, by Nate Combs - over at Terra Nova.
- EVE Correspondent - Salvaging Guide - Title says it all!
- EVE Online Correspondent - Character Creation Guide - Another great guide from
- EVE Online: Surviving Your First War - The Life of a PvPer.
- Welcome to Your New City, Where You Will Live in Stacked Boxes - On EVE's beautiful Art.
- RPS Demands: 10 Things All PC Games Should Do - Not EVE related at all, but still a great article for any PC Gamer!
Over at Massively:
- Can MMOs have political ideologies? - Discuss the Terra Nova article.
- EVE Evolved: EVE Online's server model - A great geek article, if a tad too technical for some (not I though!).
- Changes and new features in EVE's latest Empyrean Age patch - On the recent changes brought with Empyrean Age Patch 1.1.1
- EVE server upgrades open possibilities for 1000+ player combat - James discusses some of the recent EVE back-end upgrades done by CCP.
In the EVE Blogosphere:
- The Path to a Freighter & Hauling Trash, In Style - Where Wilhelm talks about freighters and hauling trash. Eh, to every man his own dreams!
- Speaking of dreams, Xiphos83 asks "What's you Dream in EVE?"
- Are Pee Gee? Sweet Little Bad Girl Shae asks where the beef is in EVE's RPG with the introduction of Factional Warfare (EA).
- Calling Out - EVE Weekend Warrior need your input and help.
- Winterblink gets a new shiny toy and tweets it to whole world!
- 3 new podcasts are released this week!
- EVE Offline - Zubon pulls your leg, and you ask for more!
- The kind of stuff they would arrest people for in the Real World - Who knew EVE had it's share of idiots!
- EON's blog gets some TLC - About bloody time!
- EVE-Mag's got great articles on Trading: Introduction to the Trading Mindset, Eve Online Secondary Markets: Bonds and Why you might become a Trader.
New Tools:
- EVE Commander - Offline Character Management!
First !
Is this weird? I thought your Speedlinks always get a bunch of comments.
Nice find with io9 up there. I like the site, probably don't check it as often as I should.
Rock, Paper, Shotgun is excellent as well. I really like Jim Rossignol's EVE articles, but everyone else there is good, too. Speaking of which, literally just found his latest Eurogamer article on EVE:
lol, thanks for giving it some love! =)
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