Monday, August 06, 2007

My extensive EVE Online wish list

Following Wilhelm's Five EVE Online Wishes, I've decided to put my own list together. As I was thinking about it over the last few days, I realized that a lot of my wishes were related to EVE, but not necessarily about the game itself. A lot of these wishes could, and may eventually, be fulfilled by either CCP, CCP White Wolf or the EVE Community (through the available API program).

Still, I decided to share the whole list with you. I'll only provide the list here today, since I plan on exploring each item in separate posts. Some of these I've already discussed here in past posts, and so I've linked them to their original post.

Feel free to let me know what you think of this list and what would your EVE Online wishes would be.

The list, in no particular order:

  1. Customizable ship exterior
  2. Evemail clients (either web based or a separate application)
  3. EVE Mobile edition
  4. EVE Skill training through the EVE Insider site
  5. Training multiple characters within the same account at the same time
  6. Switching between characters without exiting the game
  7. Avatars walking in space stations
  8. Accessible planets for ground level bases
  9. RPG & Lore books
  10. EVE Online Novels
  11. Graphic Novels
  12. EVE Artwork book (I know this one's coming)
  13. A North American EVE Online Fan Fest
  14. A book on the History of CCP and the making of EVE Online
  15. A detailed history of the EVE Online universe
  16. The Jovians - where the hell are they!!
  17. Books on the Races, the Science, the ships of EVE
  18. Video tutorials
  19. Savable ship setups
  20. Some new music by John Hallur
So there you have it! As I mentioned, I'll further explain this list in later posts, as doing it now would have made this post way to long to read, never mind to write! Until then, let me know what you think? Is there anything on your wish list that I've missed here? If so, please share it with the rest of us!


Anonymous said...

And I thought I was the only person who like Jon Hallurs music. My corp makes fun of me for that!

Anonymous said...

1. Customizable ship exterior
If it can be done in a bandwidth friendly way, yes.

2. Evemail clients (either web based or a separate application)

3. EVE Mobile edition
My phone can't run it anyway.

4. EVE Skill training through the EVE Insider site

5. Training multiple characters within the same account at the same time
Yeah, though I'm not too fond of the whole alt thing in general. I think it's bad for the RP aspect of the game.

6. Switching between characters without exiting the game
Yes, but only interesting with 5. implemented.

7. Avatars walking in space stations
Don't really care for that; there's lots (lots !) of things to fix and improve that are already in the game. Also, CCP has yet to explain how this would actually add to the gameplay instead of being a mere gimmick probably taking thousands of man-hours to implement and debug.

8. Accessible planets for ground level bases
Interesting for a more distant future - as I said, there's still enough work to do on what's already in the game.

9. RPG & Lore books
That would be overdoing it. EVE is a computer game and in my opinion only really works that way. I already thought the CCG was an unnecessary step towards RPG mainstream.

10. EVE Online Novels

11. Graphic Novels
Not my cup of tea. Tried reading comic stuff like "Spawn" some years ago, but never managed to get hooked.

12. EVE Artwork book (I know this one's coming)
Might be cool, but it's nothing I'd say I'm desperate for.

13. A North American EVE Online Fan Fest
Sure, have fun. I'm in Europe. :D

14. A book on the History of CCP and the making of EVE Online
Hmmm, yeah, though I don't know whether I'd really read that.

15. A detailed history of the EVE Online universe
Something like a "real" history book would be cool, or maybe in the style "The Silmarillion" was done.

16. The Jovians - where the hell are they!!
In Jove, right next to the drone regions. :D I'm not sure whether they should really be added anytime soon, as they would be rather powerfull and the game balance already proves to be quite fragile sometimes.

17. Books on the Races, the Science, the ships of EVE

18. Video tutorials
Dunno. I know they're planning to do those, but I'm not sure whether they can be done in a way that'd make them really helpful.

19. Savable ship setups
Yes !!

20. Some new music by John Hallur
Dunno. Haven't used the Jukebox in a long time, though it was quite nice every now and then.

What I think would be really cool is a real (official ?) manual/hint book, online or printed. There's all kinds of information, tutorials etc. scattered throughout the official site and the myriads of third party sites/wikis/forums, but it would be nice to have explanations of the usage and settings of all the different client features as well as game mechanics and rules, uses and effects of all the different module types and skills, or all the different procedures like mining, refining, production, scanning etc. all organized in one place as with any well-done and serious software. I'd even be up for working on something like that.

Martin Cathrae said...

Great list, a lot of good nerdy things in there that I would enjoy as well. :)

One thing that I occasionally think of is the ability to board other ships. Perhaps it could be a module and skill set, and when a ship gets into structure, you activate it, and perhaps it's a chance based thing, whether you gain control of the ship or not.

You would lose control of the ship you were in, but this would be a perfect role for a tackler, it's an expendable ship anyway. Also skills would be needed to fly the ship you're after...

Anyway, lots of issues with this, but it'd be fun!

CrazyKinux said...

@Jon - Far from the only one. Hallur is one of the most played artist in my iTunes.

@Power - thanks for the comments to my list. As for the manual, I think it's long overdue that CCP comes out with an Official one, that gets printed and all - CCP White WOlf, this one's for you!

@suckamc - Now there a neet idea that buccaneers might really enjoy doing. The mechanics need to be figured out though how you want to do it, but it would be sweet.

Thank you all for your comments guys!

Anonymous said...

These ideas are typical of mmo gamers today. As ideas go it doesn't get much more fluffy than this. Some of these things would be nice but hardly worth looking forward to, and certainly not worth getting excited about.

I've played EVE since the beginning because it's quality, but when I dare to dream of 'what could be', I find myself uninterested in EVE because it falls so short. I think it's about time we were not just strolling around stations to look at maps but actually fighting on them. I want to board an enemy ship after jamming, blast the guy and take some stuff. I want Politics with elected leaders and true factional warfare.

CrazyKinux said...

Sorry to hear that you think of these as fluffy. What you call fluff I can fun, interesting, immersive and plain entertainment. And to me, it all adds to the experience of EVE, and provides more opportunity to jump into this fascinating world and universe CCP has created for us.

But you're entitled to your opinion and you own wish list. Still, thanks for taking the time to comment.

Anonymous said...

They need to make 0.0 accessible to the lone and everyday traveler. Every ship should come equipped with a cloak and no training time should allocated for it's use. Every player should come out of the chute with the ability to cloak.

My 2 ISK

CrazyKinux said...

Interesting idea Skravos, though that's exactly what makes 0.0 space alluring, it's lawlessness!

Forbidden space will always attract pilots!

Carole Pivarnik said...

Skravos: NO! It's easy enough to train for a cloak anyway. It's fine as is. Of course, I *am* a pirate.

Some things on my list of wants:

Customizable bumper stickers for ships.

Skill switching on the character selection screen.

Train multiple characters on one account, maybe for an additional fee or at a slower rate.

Special containers for blueprints with columns that show whether it's a copy or original, its ME, PE, and # runs remaining.

CrazyKinux said...

Some good ideas Mynxee!

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