Thursday, September 18, 2008

Titan Weekly #11 is out!

Seems this is the week of podcasts - well except for ours that is.

After WDA #41 and FR #9, Malnor comes running right behind with TW #11! An EVE Podcast bonanza it is!

This episode, though a bit short, contains all the regular segments, with usual rant. Malnor at his best!

Then he drops the bomb!

Working with better-half, Malnor has been working on a half-clone! Congrats to the both of you. If you ever need some advice feel free to give me a call. I've been there.

And no worries, after their arrival, your schedule will change, but you'll still find time for the baby, the girlfriend and EVE! See the proof right here! You do sleep a lot less though!


Anonymous said...

I love the picture of Florence that was absolutely GREAT!

Anonymous said...

HAHA, that pic of the baby and eve on screen is funny!

CrazyKinux said...

She slept through so many sessions it was amazing. With the base turned up and volume not to loud she would just sleep so deeply.

Man, those days are long gone now!

Anonymous said...

Ha ha wonderful. (baby pic) (TW nice cast, keep it up (since you cant comment on it on the site))
I have 2 kids myself, (one 3,5 years old and one 4 month old) finding time between work/kids/sleep is quite hard. But it works. Changing skills and market orders at work, missions/exploration at home at 'late'. PvP - in something for the future as i'm quite a noob.

CrazyKinux said...

Yeah, the EVE schedule did change a lot after the arrival of Florence. Espacialy the week-ends. As long as she's with me and awake, EVE is no-man-lands for me.

Anonymous said...

btw, thanks for the comments on my flickr photos ;) (kids sleeping etc)