Friday, October 16, 2009

Friday Video: "Welcome to the Borderlands" HD Trailer

Looks very Mad Max don't you think? And that's totally fine with me!

87 Bazillion Guns? My kinda game!

Speaking of Borderlands, for those of you who missed, or simply couldn't attend the "Production Consistency Through Chaos" presentation a few weeks ago here in Montreal, the IGDA's Montreal chapter was kind enough to record Lulu LaMer's presentation. Here it is embedded below, and you can find it on MotionBox as well.

And speaking (again) of IGDA, last night I attended their GameCafé Discussion on social media in games. Three different variations of this topic were discussed in small groups; in 20 minute sessions, after which we would change tables and discuss a new topic. It was very interesting to see how the Montreal Game Developers are approaching the social media revolution as it pushes into gaming - see CCP's COSMOS initiative for the EVE Online correlation.

Finally, here's a 30 minute video review of the game from the guys over at Giant Bomb, where you see some of the co-op play.

As I said, it looks darn fun! The game is scheduled to come out on console next week, and on PC the next after (through Steam), and though I'm really looking forward to it, I'll probably won't get it right away when it comes out. I just don't have enough time these days to add another game to my roster.


Latro said...

Yeh, I've been watching Borderlands for a while now. It looks like it could put a serious dent in my EvE time, but I'll wait for the reviews to come in.

Spectre said...

It does look really good but I'm trying my best to resist it. With L4D2 and Mass Effect looming and the all encompassing Eve-Online in the picture, it's hard to fit other games in.

Scott said...

Seems like a Fallout / Diablo hybrid model to me. Dunno, think I'll pass as well with more interesting multiplayer titles on the horizon.

Latro said...

Borderlands hits XBOX players tomorrow in the US and IGN is supposed to have a review up this AM. I read a lot of the preview stuff on IGN over the weekend (instead of playing EvE - I feel so dirty... :-) ) It comes out on PC next Tuesday.

Latro said...

IGN review:

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