Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The New Planet Graphics Video - You'll need to sit down for this one!

December first can't come soon enough! It'll Christmas earlier this year, again!

And this is the original that I've already posted earlier this year.


Anonymous said...

cloud movement? seriously?

good thing i am still at work so i was assured of being in my seat.

Unknown said...







Tipa said...

More stuff to see as you're screaming in terror just before you warp right through the planet ><

Kirith Kodachi said...

Pure awesome sauce.

Xeross said...

They look ducking sweet, however CCP should find a way to let warps somehow bend around planets or something because it's kind of stupid you warp through planets.

Dante Edmundo said...

Visuals really important to game immersiveness. Often I think they are underrated - thought of as just "eye-candy". The more realistic - the better (reason why I think some new MMOs pending release will fail just on the fail visuals alone).

Sound also is important. Sound is very underrated both in computer games and film.

Kellnirr Tiryon said...

What a great video...

But not as great as the poster! It's videos like this that we apprieciate, O King of the Bloggers! Keep it up!

Unknown said...

Lava Planets:

CrazyKinux said...

Nice screenshots @TiSnetworks! Thanks for sharing!

Unknown said...

The city lights are very apparent when on the dark side of these earth like planets:

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