Saturday, April 03, 2010

Friday Video (Belated Edition): Artificial Paradise, inc.

ARTIFICIAL PARADISE,INC. from Jp Frenay on Vimeo.
Artificial Paradise, Inc is an experimental film anticipating a future where a major corporation has developed an unique software, based on organic virtual reality, which holds all the lost memories of humankind. A user connects to this database of the forgotten…what is he searching for?

Selected at the ONEDOTZERO festival in the WOW+FLUTTER 09 category

Selected for the Autodesk 2009 Siggraph Show Reel

Featured on Stash Issue 61

Realflow Case Study

Production : Condor
 Director / editor / compositing : Jean-Paul Frenay
 Main 3D artist / compositing : Sandro Paoli
 3D artists : Sylvain Jorget and Sébastien Desmet
 Additional 3D operators : Otto Heinen and Okke Voerman
 Sound Design : Seal Phüric feat. Neptunian8

1 comment:

JerreyRough said...

That is very, very cool. Good find! Its amazing how much 3D effects have come...its incredible.

That type of a future would be...interesting and I wouldn't doubt something like that happening eventually. More than likely it wouldn't look that cool though :P