Saturday, April 24, 2010

Friday Video (Belated Edition): Lost Planet 2 Lady Pirates Trailer [HD]

Lady Pirates with big bad guns, now this definitely looks fun! I can certainly see myself playing with my daughter in duo, and fragging the shit out of our opponents! Though first, she'll have to grow up a bit; 3 might be a bit young to play this kind of game.

More information:


Carole Pivarnik said...

I can tell you, if I was running around shooting shit in a violent situation like that, I'd want something more than skin covering my ass cheeks! *rolleyes* So much for "realism". Still looks like a pretty neat game, though.

Alehandra Dvemko said...

I can tell you, if Mynxee was running around shooting shit in a violent situation like that, we wouldn't want something more than skin covering her ass cheeks.

Kidding as(s)ide - the portrayal of women in the game is hardly flattering, but at least it isn't quite as bad as Laura Croft. Hopefully they will offer enough character customization so that if you want a female character but don't want over the top sex appeal you can do that.

CrazyKinux said...

So I wasn't overacting then, when I initially wrote that I felt they were using that sort "girls with guns" teaser to please boys. In the end, I didn't want another "controversial" post in which the whole debate about "boyz, games and girlz" - the current Banter is enough to handle right now!

But we all agree!

Carole Pivarnik said...

LOL @ Alehandra

CK, I don't envy you the task of reading through all those blog banters and choosing winners. There are some pretty awesome posts in this banter.

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